Return to racing Clubnight

The first meeting since the lockdown with the track now back at the full six carpets wide. It was great to be racing again and as usual with three qualifying rounds and a final we had some very competitive racing.

Chelle Snowden was top qualifier followed by Karl Norris, Darren Ford, Kayleigh Knight and Bob Harley.

The “C” Final was won by Kaelin Thompson with 34 laps, a lap ahead of Paul Dewsnap.

In the “B” Final Stephen Deacon was the quickest driver but it was Nick Wallace who won the race with 39 laps after a very close battle with Stephen who took second place being less than a second adrift and Benn Norris who was third.

The A Final produced a most exciting finish to the evening. Chelle Snowden starting from pole position on the grid made a good start, being chased by Karl Norris and Darren Ford who moved up into second place ahead of Karl. With the retirement of Chelle on lap 34 Darren took the lead and seemed to have the race won. However a slight error on lap 36 and Karl went through into the lead, going on to win by the narrowest of margins, Darren taking second place, Kayleigh Knight third and Bob Harley fourth.

Booking for next weeks meeting on Tuesday 3rd August is now open
Members by text message to the club Secretary
Non Members please pm Bob Harley via Messenger


Getting Back on Track

Copy of Getting Back on Track First issued 25th July 2020 updated 7th August, 23rd September, 14th October, 12th March, 12th May and 16th July 2021.

This Document Effective from the 19th July 2021.

The BRCA Executive, like other sports governing bodies, has been working through what we need to do as we exit the restrictions placed upon us by Covid 19. We want to thank all of our community for supporting the need to adjust our activities; we appreciate just how difficult this has been for many individuals and clubs.

Basic Principles

Covid 19 has not gone away, as this is typed cases are rising, however the change is that we must now learn to live with this disease.

1) Government Legislation -The BRCA Membership will respect the law and principles of government guidance.

2) Good Corporate Citizenship – Positive public perception of our sport is important to ensure cooperation and future growth.

3) Safety, Safety, Safety! – Safety is a central intent and in the front of our mind during the execution of our sport.

4) Respect – we will all respect the choices of others; we will respect the authority of the other organisations we work with.

5) Personal Responsibility – Is the central theme of the current government guidance, take it seriously and do your bit.

Important Considerations

The UK is still in a healthcare crisis, and it is the Government requirement that we closely follow their advice and guidance in order that as a nation the UK can navigate our way through the current situation.

Life should start to revert to a more ‘normal’ situation, not as it was pre-pandemic, but the ‘new normal’ one where Covid 19 is part of our everyday routine, just as we manage other illnesses and diseases daily we now must do so with this.

Guidance for Competitors

Your Club will NOT be operating how it used to pre-pandemic. Some of the process we have adopted during the last 18 months will continue to be used as it’s simply Good Practice.

You MUST Provide

• Your Own Hi-Viz Waistcoat for Marshalling.

• A pair of Gloves for Marshalling – If the Club require them. (not latex, proper work gloves).

• Some disposable Face Masks – for use as required.

• A Bottle of Hand Sanitiser – for use as required.

Highly recommended to have available: –

• A pair of Gloves for Marshalling

• Some disposable latex gloves.

• Surface Cleaner.

• Hand Wipes.

Do Not Share PPE.

Face Masks Are NOT a legal requirement.


• They may well be a requirement of the Venue or the Club and it is entirely possible there will be areas within the venue that will still require their use.

• If you are Asked to wear a mask by the Venue or the Club – Wear It or Don’t Attend.

• Venues or Clubs are entirely within the Law to require you to wear a mask to attend.

• If you have a Medical Exemption do carry the appropriate documentation.

• If you want to wear a Mask – Do So – ignore what others do or say.

Personal Responsibility & Respect.

• If you are feeling unwell, in any way, Do Not Attend. • Do Not put yourself in a position where you feel uncomfortable.

• Respect the choices of others, if somebody chooses to wear a mask Respect their choice, they would probably also appreciate more personal space.

Guidance for Organisers

There will still be significant changes (compared to pre-pandemic) required across all facets of the event organisation.

However most clubs have worked through these restrictions and workable solutions (and in lots of cases solutions that are better) have been arrived at – So if you’re just starting back whatever problems You come up against somebody else has probably already had, just Ask via ‘Contact Us’ and we’ll find somebody who can help.

Event Entry

Continue to minimise face to face interaction, continue with On-Line entry and prepayment, minimise the handling of paper and cash.

Ensure that the entry process emphasises attendance only if well and NOT exhibiting any COVID 19 symptoms.

Who Can Attend?

Officials, Competitors, Guests, friends and family etc – back to how it used to be.

But;- the more people the harder it is to give the people who want a bit of space that room, so ask your racers to be considerate.

Spectators are allowed – But – it is VERY vague as to what the requirements are to be able to track them post event, so we recommend that the odd one be treated as a club guest (name and a contact number – added to your attendees list) until we have more details.

At the event – Booking In

As per Event Entry – minimise your interaction between people as much as your systems will allow.

Track & Trace

The contact details for all Competitors and Officials must be collected – Name, contact phone number and contact email address (i.e. a ‘contact’ may be a parent if a junior) For the competitors this may be taken from the entry data with attendance confirmed.

The Event Officials

PPE requirements as per competitors.

The Venue in General

Continue to conduct Best Practice on flowing people round your venue to minimise crowding and queues. Do not worry about getting this perfect – just do your best and change it as you see fit.

Communication around the venue is vital – ensure you can be heard, clearly.

Build lots of space into the event / venue plan, this may also mean less people, but accommodating people so they feel comfortable is more important.

It will be worth having some ‘PPE Kits’ available for the people who arrive ill prepared.

The Pits

Continue to allow more space than ‘pre-pandemic’

The Pits should be formally laid out – leaving it as a ‘free for all’ should be avoided as you’ll still be wanting to minimise crowding and queues.

If Competitors use tables and chairs provided by the club, make sure the competitors know to bring wipes – or provide them.

Pay particular attention to the normal Health & Safety concerns in the Pits – we have more issues in the Pits than we have on the Track and dealing with an injury in the pits is not something we want to be having to do.


Where possible – use separate entrance and exits to the rostrum, if that’s not possible then control the flow of people so there is no requirement to queue.


All marshals must have their own Hi Viz waistcoat.

All marshals must have their own Gloves – if the Club requires their use.


Do not display results in an area where they can be handled. Preferably distribute them over the internet and encourage people to view remotely.

Drivers Briefing (where required)

Emailed in advance of the event or over the PA, avoid crowding people together


Lots of you will have been expecting all the guidance to simply stop and for thing to revert to ‘how they used to be’ unfortunately the world has now changed, this disease is now part of our daily life, there is no going back. However, what we have learnt from this is that by taking some simple steps we can improve our events and the impact they can (and do) have on our health. For virtually all of the previous 4 pages you could replace ‘Covid 19’ with ‘The Flu’ and it would still apply. What we have learnt is that we need to take our Health seriously and what we each do at our events effects other people’s, we will need to be much more organised and considerate of that in the future.

So We must Think about what we are doing.

We must Plan how we are going to go about it.

We must Adjust how we conduct our events until we are happy we have something that works.

We must give the time to our fellow racers and officials to allow them to do things differently

We must be Patient with each other while we all Learn.


Do Your Best, simply us all making our best effort to do the best we can to look after each other is all that anybody will ever ask.


If in Doubt ask – you can always contact the Association via ‘Contact Us’ or give an official a quick call, none of us will mind as we’re all in this together.