02-09-18 Burton GT12 Grand Prix

The Burton GT12 Grand Prix held on Sunday 2nd of September at the Burton Buggy Club normal Tuesday evening track venue of Gresley Old Hall was a great success with a total of eight rounds of racing for everyone including three finals with the best two rounds to count towards the final results.

There was some very competitive racing in all the heats and finals with Ben Elliott being both the top qualifier and winning the A Final with Russel Mouland taking second place, Gary Kirkpatrick third and Pete Stockton fourth.

Matt Cook was the victor in the B Final, Jordan Leavis was second and Andrew Slingsby third.

In the C Final Ben Appleby was the winner, Bob Harley took second place and Guy Rogers third.

Nigel Wyse won the D Final, Jack Souter finished in second place and James Walker third.

New Burton Buggy Club member Martyn Hartshorne won the E Final in his first trophy meeting, James Krych was second and Kyren Glover third.

After all the equipment was packed away the trophies were presented by Chelle Snowden, this was followed by the raffle prizes.

Trophies were awarded to the first, second and third place drivers in each final, Top qualifier and the top four juniors.
Well done to the junior drivers Jack Walker in fourth place, Kyren Glover third, Jack Souter second and the winner Jordan Leavis.

Many thanks to in particular Bob Harley who organised the event – yes he did win a trophy too!

Thanks also to Alister Hart for running race control, Jason Levis for scrutineering, James Hart for the track layout, Schumacher and MB Models for providing the raffle prizes together with everyone else who helped make the day a success, not forgetting all the drivers who I hope had a great day.

For more photographs visit Gallery 2018 Gresley pages three and four on the website